Judith Schultz

  • 2 Oakbeach Dr Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric

    A chronic stream running down the west side of Oakbeach Drive, which originates from an underground source in the street in front of the driveway of 1 Southwind Drive (which fronts on Oakbeach) is causing extensive ice build up in the street on the west side of Oakbeach Dr, filling several driveway "aprons" at 2-4-6 Oakbeach Dr. as well as a substantial section of sidewalk in front of that Southwind building.

    This constant stream of water running in the street -- it subsides when there is no rain for a prolonged period -- goes back at least a couple of years and has been previously reported to the City. A crew investigated and apparently determined it was not a water or sewer line leak, but took no further action. The ice build-up this year is much worse than in past years.

  • 3 Southwind Dr Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Substantial potholes in the middle of Southwind Drive, in front of roughly 1-5 Southwind, and the Southwind pool.
  • 1 Southwind Dr Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Sink hole at the corner of Southwind Drive and Oakbeach Drive, across the street from the Southwind pool, in front of the Southwind sign.
  • Water Cap/Valve Acknowledged
    11 Southwind Dr Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    A City water valve cap has sort of 'popped up" about 3/4 inch above the paved driveway, enough that owners are concerned about damaging their tires. The distinctive asphalt around the valve seems to indicate that the City has worked on this valve since the last time the driveway was paved.
  • Water Leak Archived
    2 Oak Beach Dr Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    We already pointed this out a couple of weeks ago when City crew were in this same area dealing with a different leak. For several weeks, there has been a leak that appears to originate at/near the driveway to 1 Southwind Drive, which fronts on Oakbeach Drive. Water has been continuously running in the gutter down Oakbeach. It seems to have gotten worse, and there is now a large amount of ice in the gutters. This photo was taken 11/30/21.
  • 22 Southwind Dr Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric

    The pavement and curb of Southwind Drive at the entrance to the Southwind Condo Association "Cul-de-Sac" (the small circular drive off of Southwind Drive that serves 2 buildings) has several pot holes and depressions that are causing cars to "bottom out" regularly as the exit onto Southwind Drive. There is also some collapsing of the asphalt around a sewer manhole cover ('personhole"?) that in the apron area, although from what we've observed, that's not what's causing the bottoming-out.

    Thanks for your help!
    Judy Schultz, President, Southwind Condo Association